The Funniest Comedies Ever


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Spies Like Us posterSpies Like Us
      1985 | USA | Laughs: 3.5 (Chuckle) | imdb: 6.5
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Sent by the CIA to Pakistan and Russia as decoys, two men walk the thin line between genius and incompetence. No hard laughs but I enjoyed this movie very much as it features Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd at the top of their form.

(Last viewed: April 2020)

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The Toy posterThe Toy
      1982 | USA | Laughs: 2.0 (Chuckle) | imdb: 5.9
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A magnate's son convinces his father to hire a grown man to be his toy for a week. The movie is light-hearted but a bit chaotic for my taste, a trademark of John Landis, whose comedies don't tend to be my cup of tea.

It's a long while since I've seen the original after which this movie was made, the 1976 French film Le Jouet, and even though it didn't leave me with lasting impressions, given that it featured Pierre Richard in his golden years I'm fairly certain it was superior to the remake on most counts, especially the one that matters the most: laughs.

(Last viewed: April 2020)

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The Gentlemen posterThe Gentlemen
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 1.0 (Smirk) | imdb: 7.8
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Trying to divest his British marijuana trading empire, an American faces ruthless negotiators. Not a "laugh-out-loud" comedy, this film falls squarely into the genre established by the same director twenty years earlier by the same director (Guy Ritchie) with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, a genre with many imitators but none quite managing to reach the heights of the two founding works.

(Last viewed: March 2020)

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Jim Gaffigan Quality Time posterJim Gaffigan: Quality Time
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 3.0 (Watch Once) | imdb: 7.6
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Although this show was entertaining to me, like all of Jim's sets that I've watched, I found it below his usual par. There were two reasons for that: (i) much of the early material seems to be recycled from previous shows, and (ii) the second half of the set features a long section with an endless series of jokes about horses. Jim himself acknowledged that this wasn't great material. Since he left it in, he must have had nothing better to fill the time, which bodes poorly for years to come —unless Jim returns to a more reasonable release rate: one tape a year really seems to be too much for him, or for any comedian for that matter.

All this being said, I was still more entertained than with much contemporary stand-up that comes my way, so please don't let this tepid review dissuade you.

(Last viewed: March 2020)

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The Fall of the American Empire poster La chute de l'empire américainThe Fall of the American Empire (La chute de l'empire américain)
      2018 | Canada | Laughs: 0.8 (Light-Hearted) | imdb: 6.8
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A philosophy graduate working as a delivery man witnesses a robbery gone awry and appropriates the loot. In his efforts to protect his fortune from gangsters and the police, he meets a series of interesting characters.

This is a light-hearted movie rather than a laugh-out-loud comedy. I found it highly enjoyable as well as strangely ethical, but I have no formal training in that discipline, so what would I know?

Denys Arcand has shot his share of mediocre movies, but this is not one of them. A worthy successor to The Barbarian Invasions.

(Last viewed: March 2020)

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Out Cold posterOut Cold
      2001 | USA | Laughs: 0.2 (Just Awful) | imdb: 6.4
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This might be a great movie if you're a snowboarding fan and you and some friends are coming back drunk from a party. In all other cases, it's an outright bore, notwithstanding the presence of Zach Galifianakis.

A run-down Alaskan ski resort is taken over by a magnate developer from Colorado, challenging the lifestyle of the rowdy staff. The first five to ten minutes felt like a snowboarding video. Then there was a bit of unfunny plot development.

I had started this tape with the unacknowledged hope that it would hook me, allowing me to procrastinate on pending work, but even at a speed of 1.3, which sometimes fixes somewhat empty movies, there was not enough to keep me interested, and I stopped half-an-hour short and an hour too late. Save yourself the trouble.

Back to work.

(Last viewed: January 2020)

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Go 1999 posterGo
      1999 | USA | Laughs: 2.0 (Smirk) | imdb: 7.2
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Three co-workers in a grocery store plan to party on Christmas eve, but everything goes wrong. The movie is split into three parts that follow different characters during the same time frame. The film features a rave party, some undercover cops trying to bust a dealer, and a trip to Las Vegas.

Although this comedy had no laughs in store for me, it was entertaining enough to watch with an occasional grin.

(Last viewed: January 2020)

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Vacation 2015 Helms posterVacation
      2015 | USA | Laughs: 6.3 (Laugh and Smile) | imdb: 6.1
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When deciding whether to watch a movie, there's a risk of being swayed by reviews written by viewers whose taste just doesn't match yours. What happened to me when this film first came out is that I read a number of hateful reviews from people who moaned how inferior this remake was to the original National Lampoon's Vacation.

I'm glad I finally got to see it, because it might be the funniest thing I've seen all year. In fact I dare most people to watch both movies with a straight face (starting with the sequel) and tell me that the original made them laugh more. I'm not going to take that challenge myself, as I had stored the 1983 film in the "Watch Once" box — that tells me how unenthusiastic I was, and I don't see a reason to make myself suffer.

The plot? A man takes his family on a cross-country vacation, where everything goes wrong. I can't say that I couldn't stop laughing, but there were some fantastic moments and I was definitely smiling or chuckling most of the time. The main actor is Ed Helms, whom I love and who for some reason seems to be disappearing from comedy movies. In this role, he's perfect. Most of the cast also does a great job.

The moral of the story: don't be a nostalgic snob and treat yourself to this terrific remake, which in many ways probably improves on the original.

(Last viewed: December 2019)

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After Hours posterAfter Hours
      1985 | USA | Laughs: 2.8 (Chuckle) | imdb: 7.7
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When After Hours came out, it was marketed in a way that didn't appeal to me. But it's one of those movies that are worth waiting 35 years for. First, it doesn't show its age. Second, I'm sure I enjoyed it more than I would have in 1985, thanks in no small part to my pathological nostalgia for the 1980s, which were home to all of my teenage years.

This is a New York movie, and its plot is an exemplary sample of the "impossible chase" scenario. A young man goes downtown around midnight, and gets caught into a spiderweb of impossible situations from which his only desire is to escape and go home.

It's not very funny at first, and the movie certainly doesn't fit into the laugh-out-loud genre, but I found myself chuckling more and more as events get increasingly ridiculous and the main character keeps battling on, with bravado, to get to the end of that impossible night.

If you're younger I have no idea what you might think of it, but if you're at all open to watching a movie that predates the internet and the mobile phone, I'd suggest giving it a try. It was, after all, directed by Martin Scorcese, and I say that even though I've never been one of his unconditional fans.

(Last viewed: December 2019)

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The Hangover DVDThe Hangover
      2009 | USA | Laughs: 5.6 (Laugh and Smile) | imdb: 7.7
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Edit (2019)
I watched The Hangover again after ten years and stand corrected. The movie aged well, stands to be watched again, and is one of the most memorable movies of the decade — even though it's far from the funniest on the pure measure of laughs.

I find it both significant and delightful that several of the actors involved went on to have successful careers in various genres. Seeing all of them once again at their peak is a treat, something that of course could not be said or anticipated in the original review.

Zach Galifianakis has created a strong body of work in comedy. Bradley Cooper has disgraced himself by directing a film in which he presents a psychopath killer as a hero — and the scary part is that many lapped it up. Boo, Mr Cooper, you won't catch me watching one of your movies again. Ed Helms seems to have disappeared from comedy features, and I miss him. Paul Rudd was never in The Hangover to start with (what was I thinking all this time?) but he probably should have been.

Watching the movie today, I loved how it incorporates secondary characters: there are several strong ones, but you don't see too much of them. Many people were probably left feeling they could have had more of Heather Graham, Mike Tyson, Ken Jeong, Bryan Callen, Jeffrey Tambor. I particularly appreciate that today, considering that by now I've watched several movies where there was definitely far too much of some of these guys.

On the first watch, I don't think I enjoyed the way the movie was cut. This time it didn't bother me at all, and I found the pacing excellent, with barely a missed beat in the whole story.

I'm sure you're already aware of this movie, which has now become a classic: hope you enjoy revisiting it as much as I did.

Original Review (2009)
The morning after a bachelor party, three men wake up in a Vegas room. There's a tiger in the bathroom and a baby in a closet. They don't remember a thing from the night before, and the bachelor has disappeared. Occasionally foul but never revolting—enough laughs to keep you watching once. Don't bother with the sequel.

(Last viewed: Sep 2009 December 2019)

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The Holiday posterThe Holiday
      2006 | USA | Laughs: 3.9 (Chuckle) | imdb: 6.9
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Eager two get over some toxic relationships, two professional women — one in England, one in California — swap houses over the holiday season. Plot-wise, this has the benefit of instantly creating two fish-out-of-water situations and of opening the door to exotic romantic possibilities.

As romantic comedies go, this one is extremely cute. I loved the accents and thought the cast did a splendid job. And as a fan of comedy, there was enough in there to keep me chuckling for most of the film's insane duration, although I'll confess I watched most of its 135 minutes at 120% of its regular velocity.

If someone close to you is more into holiday movies than you are, this one is a fine pick.

(Last viewed: December 2019)

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An American Werewolf in London posterAn American Werewolf in London
      1981 | USA | Laughs: 3.5 (Chuckle) | imdb: 7.5
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First off, this movie is fantastic. This is one of those rare movies that I resist watching for the longest time under the smug pretext that I already know what it's about and won't like it — then end up watching and absolutely love.

Two American backpackers are assaulted by a werewolf in northern England. One dies, the other wakes up in a hospital bed in London, and starts to fear that on the next full moon he'll turn into a werewolf and perpetuate the carnage.

I don't like horror movies. This isn't one. It's funny from start to finish, with beautiful shots of the early eighties, likeable actors and a narration that never goes over the top, which it would have in the hands of most comedy directors.

What the movie doesn't have is the Warren Zevon song or Michael Jackson, who asked Landis to direct the Thriller video (1983). It's not a laugh-out-loud movie, but I sure grinned and chuckled a lot. If you haven't yet seen this, do yourself a favor and drop everything on your "to watch" list. It's a real gem.

(Last viewed: December 2019)

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Yesterday posterYesterday
      2019 | U.K. | Laughs: 1.0 (Light-Hearted) | imdb: 6.8
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After a blackout, a struggling musician wakes up in a world where he's the only one to remember the music of the Beatles, which he can claim as his own and exploit with tremendous success.

Not a laugh-out-loud comedy, but an easy and light-hearted little film which I thoroughly enjoyed and quickly forgot.

(Last viewed: December 2019)

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Bad Moms posterBad Moms
      2016 | USA | Laughs: 3.0 (Chuckle) | imdb: 6.2
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Three women who've come to realize that the expectations placed on contemporary mothers are way too high decide to relax their standards. I'd read a number of bad reviews but found this comedy surprisingly decent. Given the number of comedies focused on the same tired mens' themes, it's a nice to hear about some women's issues for a change. The plot has nothing spectacular, but the cast did a great job with what they had. I was entertained.

Wanda Sykes' short appearance was a fun bonus.

(Last viewed: October 2019)

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Between Two Ferns: The Movie posterBetween Two Ferns: The Movie
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 2.8 (Chuckle) | imdb: 6.1
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This mockumentary purports to document a road trip undertaken by Zack Galifianakis and his crew to save his TV show, whose trademark is the obnoxious manner in which he interviews celebrities. Nothing to write home about, but made me smile.

(Last viewed: October 2019)

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Stuber posterStuber
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 3.8 (Smirk) | imdb: 6.2
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A meek taxi driver gets commandeered by a rough policeman in pursuit of a crazed killer. I was entertained and enjoyed seeing one of the lead actors from Silicon Valley, whose character made me smile throughout this decent little action comedy.

(Last viewed: October 2019)

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The Day Shall Come PosterThe Day Shall Come
      2019 | U.K. | Laughs: 0.0 (Just Awful) | imdb: 5.9
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I forced myself to sit through the first fifteen minutes of this well-meaning but awfully written comedy. The dialog is overly campy and far off the mark. Looks like the plot had to do with some people being mistakenly accused of terrorism. Doesn't matter what it's about, this is a firm "skip".

(Last viewed: September 2019)

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Sixteen Candles posterSixteen Candles
      1984 | USA | Laughs: 4.0 (Chuckle) | imdb: 7.1
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With all those movies that depict clueless teenagers, wouldn't it be refreshing to see one that shows clueless parents for a change? This is exactly the premise of this movie. An entire family (parents, siblings, grandparents) forget that one of their daughters / sisters / granddaughters turns sixteen today.

The movie is refreshingly racist and misogynistic. (Before you flame me, remember that as a gay Asian female I can say whatever the heck I want.) (Before you accuse me of not being a gay Asian female, may I remind you how unenlightened a viewpoint that is and that what matters is what I feel inside?)

I should mention that the film is cruel with people who have unusual physical characteristics, and that it comes close to condoning the taking advantage of young women who are passed out from alcohol.

I'm not sure there was anything funny in the plot itself… But who needs more for an evening's entertainment than this comical time voyage to the peak of the era when straight white males ruled the Earth?

(Last viewed: September 2019)

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Slackers poster 2002Slackers
      2002 | USA | Laughs: 2.5 (Chuckle) | imdb: 5.4
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This college campus movie features a group of young men who have perfected the art of cheating and other scams. Threatened of being denounced by a fellow student, they agree to help him hook up with the young woman he has been stalking.

As college movies go, this one is fairly amusing without being excessively crass. That being said, it's far from being a side-splitting number.

(Last viewed: September 2019)

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Half Baked DVDHalf Baked
      1998 | USA | Laughs: 8.0 (Laugh and Smile) | imdb: 6.7
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Three friends try to raise 100,000 dollars to bail their fourth roommate out of jail. How? By selling dope.

Many pot movies are hard to watch, but this is one of the few that stands out. Great plot, funny, cute, and pretty smart—except for the unnecessary crass final line. A fine piece of counterculture.

(Last viewed: Oct 2009 September 2019)

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Get Him to the Greek DVDGet Him to the Greek
      2010 | USA | Laughs: 4.0 (Light-Hearted) | imdb: 6.4
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A record label employee gets assigned the mission of escorting a particularly difficult rock star from his London home to the Greek theater in Los Angeles for a major concert. This starts out funny but then just turns into a pretty good movie, with strong and attaching characters, so you forget that you started watching because you wanted to laugh. Russell Brand, whom I'm never seen before, impressed me with his excellent, believable performance. Jonah Hill was very good too. Warning: rampant adult themes, recurring crassness and gross-out scenes, presumably to please the 21st century crowd. (Last viewed: Sep 2012 September 2019)

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Booksmart posterBooksmart
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 5.0 (Chuckle) | imdb: 7.2
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A pair of high-achieving female high-school students decide to break their self-imposed rules the day before graduation in order to experience the fun they've been missing out on.

The movie had a hard time finding its pace, but once it did there was no stopping it. I can't say that it made me laugh out loud, but I found myself smiling and chuckling for the main part of it.

Perhaps I don't watch enough contemporary movies, but it was unusual for me seeing two young female characters who were funny and smart, and I enjoyed that. I also liked that although at some stage two young ladies acted out on their mutual attraction, they were not objectified.

As a much older person, for me this was also something of a documentary about a generation I know little about. I found it surprisingly good, and even though it's by no means the peak of comedy, I warmly recommend it for its other virtues.

(Last viewed: August 2019)

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Funny People DVDFunny People
      2009 | USA | Laughs: 5.5 (Laugh and Smile) | imdb: 6.3
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A comedian at the top of his career (Adam Sandler) hires a comedian who is starting out to write jokes for his stand-up show. He has cancer but recovers midway through the movie, so we get a whole second film as a bonus. Not only did this movie make me laugh several times, it had a strong plot with characters that behave like real people (well, mostly).

After watching Funny People a second time nine years later, I feel that this movie is an underrated little gem.

First off, the cast is spectacular. Adam Sandler has some funny bits — and some that flop, but that's the role, a thankless one. Seth Rogen is at his best. Jonah Hill is thrown in as a two-pack bonus. Several of the supporting actors made a name for themselves as comedians during the following years, such as Aubrey Plaza and Aziz Ansari from Parks and Recreation. Torsten Voges (someone I'd never heard of) is funny as a humorless German doctor. Jason Schwartzman and Leslie Mann are perfect for their roles and keep the smiles going. Eminem has a short but terrific intervention. And as a late treat in the final part of the movie, we're introduced to a new character played by Eric Bana, who featured in The Castle, perhaps the best Australian comedy of all times.

There is a prescient joke about Robin Williams slitting his wrists (at around 19'40" on my tape, during Rogen's first stand-up set). There are many other things to like. Are there some things to dislike? Yes. But overall, this is a really special film which I hope I remember to watch again ten years from now.

(Last viewed: Jan 2010 July 2019)

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Long Shot posterLong Shot
      2019 | USA | Laughs: 3.0 (Chuckle) | imdb: 6.8
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A progressive journalist needs to fit into the square world in order to write speeches for the Secretary of State, his former babysitter with whom a romance soon blossoms.

It felt like a long time since I'd watched a Seth Rogen movie so seeing him act again was a delight. There were some funny moments — none of them of the laugh-out-loud kind for me, but enough smiles and chuckles to keep me going.

More importantly, whoever made that movie didn't lose the plot and steered that boat safely to port. In its handling of politics in this partly disillusioned world, for me this movie will be a milestone: the first romantic comedy of the Trump-Sanders era.

(Last viewed: July 2019)

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A Day Without a Mexican posterA Day Without a Mexican
      2004 | USA | Laughs: 1.8 | imdb: 4.7
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One bright day, all people of Hispanic origin (about one third of the population) vanish from the State of California. Through a mixture of personal stories and journalism, this film documents the chaos that ensues.

The premise didn't sound bad, but I was too bored to continue past the 40th minute. I'm not exactly sure what to reproach the film, but it was probably a combination of low production values and pulling the cord too thin, or as the vanished might say, estirar el chicle.
(Last viewed: May 2019)

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Ruthless People posterRuthless People
      1986 | USA | Laughs: 0.8 (Don't Bother) | imdb: 6.9
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This hour-and-a-half movie is about ninety minutes too long. It may have been okay in its day, but its public was a breed which has since vanished from this Earth.

Delighted that kidnappers are threatening to kill his wife, a business man does his best to disobey their instructions. Meanwhile, the kidnappers (a sweet couple) struggle to get along with their hard-headed victim.

There's nothing particularly annoying about the movie in itself — it has likeable actors doing their best. It's just unbelievably dull.
(Last viewed: May 2019)

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The Plank posterThe Plank
      1967 | U.K. | Laughs: 0.5 (Don't Bother) | imdb: 6.8
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I made myself watch this half-feature because it's supposed to be a classic, but it was clear from the first minute that it's way past its best-by date. The general thread follows two klutzes as they try to bring a plank back from the timber yard to the house they're working on, hitting everything and everyone along the way. This comedy's sub-genre fits somewhere between 'grotesque' and 'slapstick', two poor parents.

Between two yawns I was reminded of the time as a teenager when my host family in England sent me off for the day with a bag of chips and a sandwich which had a fifth of an inch of butter between the two slices of white bread. They used to lay it on thick. (Last viewed: May 2019)

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Top Secret! 1984 posterTop Secret!
      1984 | USA | Laughs: 3.0 (Smirk) | imdb: 7.2
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I'm no fan of the absurd as a sub-genre of comedy movies (the only thing I hate more than a bad Monty Python skit is a Mel Brooks film) but somehow found this production surprisingly tolerable. It didn't make me laugh, but I was entertained enough to watch it all the way through.

Why is it that this patently absurdist movie didn't repel me, what was the difference? I think the difference was that they knew when to stop — which is right away. Instead of laying it on thick after a gag, the camera and the action swiftly moves on to the next thing. Even though this still isn't my favorite kind of comedy, at least I found the restraint admirable.

Oh, the plot. Does it matter? Something about an American rock singer in an oppressive East Germany. (Last viewed: May 2019)

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit posterWho Framed Roger Rabbit
      1988 | USA | Laughs: 0.8 (Just Awful) | imdb: 7.7
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I avoided this movie for years as the sound of cartoon characters mixing with live people sounded like an awful premise, then a podcast of learned cinephiles convinced me to give it a go.

The first ten minutes were unbearable. After the rabbit left the scene I gave it a go for another fifteen, but the rabbit's return brought the movie to new heights of "can't watch" this, so I gave up.

This might be interesting if you're in film school… Otherwise, forget it. (Last viewed: May 2019)

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Never Goin' Back posterNever Goin' Back
      2018 | USA | Laughs: 0.0 (Just Awful) | imdb: 6.0
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Two deadbeat girls and their deadbeat brothers get into a lot of trouble. Gross, loud, obnoxious. This is the dark side of the spread of technology. Everyone can make a movie, and they do. An awful, awful piece of work. (Last viewed: March 2019)

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